Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Strongman Training

He critiques each of the following movements: Weighted Car Deadlifts, Axle Press, Stone Over Bar, Yoke Carry/Sleg Drag, Triceptecon Press, SS Yoke Bar Box Squats, Car Deadlift, Press Medley, and Keg Carry.

from Elite FTS

Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Team Training at the Gym

In this type of training, we’re taking things one step further — we share the entire training experience with at least one partner at the gym.

from Elite FTS

Friday, August 26, 2016

Table Talk — Problems with Gear and the Qualities of Great Powerlifting Coaches

Joining Dave for another video, Maliek discusses the challenges faced by lifters who attempt to compete both raw and in gear.

from Elite FTS

The Five Factors of Being Stage Ready

After back-to-back-to-back wins, Mark Dugdale is sharing his methods for making sure he is stage ready on show day.

from Elite FTS

Problems with Gear and What Makes A Great Powerlifting Coach -

from Dave Tate

Dave Tate and Jim Wendler Discuss the Pros of Box Squatting -

from Dave Tate

Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting

Box squats have been around for years but the debate still hasn't been settled.

from Elite FTS

Boss of Bosses 3 — My First Meet Representing elitefts

Representing this team is so much more than a logo or a brand. I didn’t perform the way that I wanted to on the platform, but sleep deprived and emotionally distracted, I can say I still represented.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: How to Fight Friction in the Deadlift

Here is one tip I use in the gym and on the platform to make the entire movement smooth as possible.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, August 25, 2016

IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet

After three injuries in a half a year, I was pissed. I was depressed. I was dumbfounded. But I found my way back, hitting a PR total for my first single-ply meet.

from Elite FTS

Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat

In wrestling, as in every weight class sport, proper nutrition can save you from enduring grueling last-week weight cuts. This off-season plan reduces the need for the old-school dangerous approach.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip

Three days before my heaviest deadlift of the meet training program and I couldn't even bend down to grab the bar. Here are the techniques I used to mitigate my issues and make it to Boss of Bosses 3.

from Elite FTS

Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor

During my first visit to the elitefts S4 Compound I was anxious, excited, and—yes—intimidated. These five things helped make my workout a great experience.

from Elite FTS