Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year’s Resolutions Are BS

The start of a new year isn't going to make you a better person or a stronger, leaner, fitter lifter. If you really want to reach your goals in 2017, there are three things you're going to need.

from Elite FTS

16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program

Do you want to be strong like Chris Duffin and shredded like Mark Dugdale? Give these training ideas a shot.

from Elite FTS

Friday, December 30, 2016

WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Training at Night, 3x10 vs 10x3, and Illness

Dave's back at The Table, and this time he's answering your questions back-to-back with no preparation.

from Elite FTS

elitefts Top-20 Articles, Logs, and Products from 2016

We've crunched the numbers and by popular demand, here are the articles, logs, and products you've consumed the most of in 2016.

from Elite FTS

Dave Tate Rapid Fire Q&A | Part 1 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Table Talk Compilation Series — JL Holdsworth

Stories of Westside, vomit, blood, cysts, spine health, circa max training, pizza, and more...

from Elite FTS

No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put on the Mask

What if I could lift with a complete lack of inhibition, able to call upon whatever I needed from the dark recesses of my mind?

from Elite FTS

Thursday, December 29, 2016

WATCH: Painless Hook Grip Technique

Despite all of the positive aspects of using a hook grip, there's one significant deterrent: pain. What if you could avoid it?

from Elite FTS

Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Home Training

Now at home, this is a great opportunity to get the family involved by creating new healthy habits using indoor and outdoor space.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The elitefts Definitive Guide to Board Pressing

Dave believes the most important and widely used purpose for boards is to increase/correct the mini-max or sticking point.

from Elite FTS

Time to Pass the Mic

I decided to interview a coach who I respect immensely for this month's article. Meet Coach Buckley.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete: Transitioning From Competitive Training Into Off-Season Training Modules

Once the competitive season commences, the athlete will need to be transitioned into a contrasting training paradox, otherwise known as the off-season.

from Elite FTS

Our Gym, Our Destiny

Through minor challenges and major setbacks, Elite Custom Fitness has thrived since 2012. Now it's time to find a new five-year goal.

from Elite FTS

Monday, December 26, 2016

WATCH: Table Talk Compilation Series — Maliek Derstine

All in one article, we revisit Dave and Maliek's discussion on sticking points, longevity, equipped powerlifting transitions, and challenges a lifter must face when following a percentage-based training program.

from Elite FTS

Kickbacks, Curls, and Training Girls

How do you train a woman in her 30s or 40s with zero background in lifting? Isolate, then integrate.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Be Careful What You Wish For

...and thankful if you get it.

from Elite FTS

Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year

It’s in the spirit of appreciation that has made contributions to the following organizations who do so much to improve the quality of life in our communities.

from Elite FTS

Friday, December 23, 2016

It's Not A World Record (And Other Things That Piss Me Off)

Most of the time I ignore what I don’t agree with, but considering I am three weeks out from my meet and I have been a grumpy bastard the last few weeks, I am going to write about a few stupid things I've seen.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Strength Training — Simple or Complicated?

Training programs, nutrition plans, supplement protocols — sorting through all this information to find really works may seem difficult. It doesn't have to be.

from Elite FTS

Don't Overcomplicate Training -

from Dave Tate

Old School Flannel Cut Off -

from Dave Tate

Pacey Performance Podcast — Mark Watts and Aiden Oakley

With an abundance of experience in strength and conditioning, Watts and Oakley share an in-depth evaluation of the opportunities for growth in the industry.

from Elite FTS

Overtraining: A Molecular Perspective

Overtraining can be due to both hormonal fluctuation and dysfunctional mechano-transducing properties at the cellular level. These will be the two areas focused upon in this article.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The S Word — Side Effects and A Higher Dose

When I took HRT therapy to a new level, my initial ideas began to change. It wasn't anything like what I had read or heard about.

from Elite FTS

Four Oddball Lifts that Work

You’ll notice that these are stabilizer-focused lifts—that’s a common theme in sussing out the value of new lifts as well as old ones that have been rediscovered.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Just an Ordinary Guy. Kind of…

Out came the foil and a “tooter.” That was the first time I smoked Heroin.

from Elite FTS

The Real Reason You Aren’t the Best

If you're stuck in Shitsville, there's probably a good reason why. Avoid these habits to make your way out.

from Elite FTS

Hunt, Be Relentless, and Have Fun — How I Got Here

I looked at what all great players and people do and how I want to coach and live my life. All common denominators boiled down to my big three. This is how they were chosen.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

United States Strongman Hope for the Holidays

Going into this contest, my goal was to hit a PR on the log and hit a PR on the deadlift while qualifying for the XPC Deadlift Salute at the Arnold Classic.

from Elite FTS

Finding Strength — Gleason Performance Training

Equipment, coaching, elitefts team members — this gym in Derby, Connecticut has it all, and is one of my favorite places to visit.

from Elite FTS

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Development of the Russian Conjugate Sequence System

Pop Quiz: What or who was the original source to define the conjugate method as an independent means to organize the training process?

from Elite FTS

My Bittersweet 2016 WPC Worlds

One day you can have the best day of your life and the next day could be your worst. This week included both for me.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, December 18, 2016

7 Ways to Optimize Health

If you’re seeking advice on how to successfully navigate a mid-life crisis, I’m probably not the guy. I am, however, uniquely attuned to my body from years of competing at a high level of bodybuilding.

from Elite FTS

5 Must-Have Items for Lifters Who Have Had Multiple Shoulder Surgeries

While my back and hips are holding up just fine, my shoulders, well, that’s another story.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, December 17, 2016

WATCH: How to Rehabilitate A Recurring Hamstring Injury

If you misidentify the cause of the injury, not only will you fail to solve the problem, but you may actually make it worse.

from Elite FTS

Friday, December 16, 2016

Home and the Home Gym: Making Your Home into a Gym

Nine athletes and coaches who have owned home gyms were asked to share the purpose and evolution of their early setups.

from Elite FTS

Q&A w/ Dave Tate: Hamstring Recovery for Dual Athlete -

from Dave Tate

12 Days of Christmas (EXPLICIT) -

from Dave Tate

Do You Have the Guts to be a Successful Powerlifter?

All the success in your lifting that stems from work you put in at the gym can be compromised, often significantly, by your failures outside of the gym.

from Elite FTS

The Six-Day Triphasic Microcycle

We ran the first variation of this setup in preparation for our last powerlifting meet and it resulted in around 1,400 pounds of total PRs spread amongst nine different lifters.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, December 15, 2016

WATCH: Mario D'Amico — A Return to Raw

When the long-term goal is a 1000-pound squat at 220, and the ultimate goal is a 2400-pound total, you need two things: patience and a lot of hard work.

from Elite FTS

Mario D'Amico Athlete Interview -

from Dave Tate

BIGHORN — AMG Brabus and the Ripsnorters

Alex adjusted the military-grade Golight, which nested on a short pedestal atop the vehicle. It cut through the darkness with razor precision illuminating the monsters.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Why the Box Squat Sucks

Here are four reasons the box squat doesn't work and actually puts you in danger more than it helps you.

from Elite FTS

Circuit Training for Metabolic Gains

The idea may seem simple and basic in theory, but these circuits are brutally effective at elevating heart rate for extended periods of time.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Speed

At the end of the day, the player who can move the fastest within the context of their sport will almost always be more successful.

from Elite FTS

Rebuild the Squat from the Bottom Up: Your Ankles May Be Shutting Off Your Glutes

If you've addressed pelvis position but your mobility, mechanics, or pain aren't changing, consider that your neurological reference center may need to shift. Shift it to your heels.

from Elite FTS

Monday, December 12, 2016

Sports Performance Training Summit 2017 Teaser -

from Dave Tate

Build Your Arch: Why Flat Feet Kill Your Squat

In today’s article, I’m going to show you how flat feet can harm you during your squat, and more importantly, give you exercises to fix it.

from Elite FTS

Ivan the Terrible

The customer is the ultimate determinant of your product and what it’s about. It doesn't matter how you perceive your product — it matters how they do.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, December 11, 2016

How Are YOU Performing the Dimel Deadlift?

Even the best of the best display small form errors while performing common lifts — Clint Darden challenges Dave Tate.

from Elite FTS

Pull Through Reps: How To Maximize Back Gains

It is my opinion that most body parts do not necessarily need to be worked through a full range of motion to be effective. Exclude the back.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, December 10, 2016

WATCH: UGSS John Meadows Presentation — Getting Ripped

Play your cards wisely. Once you use them, you can't get them back.

from Elite FTS

Gripping the Bar

Taking grip for granted? This might be why you're missing lifts.

from Elite FTS

Friday, December 9, 2016

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Bar Shield Available Now at

from Dave Tate

The S Word — When My Perspective Changed

I can now write about this subject and share how things worked out for me. It has been a journey with more than a few twists and turns.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Alternating Band Tension Incline Triceps Extensions

Those chasing elite level power, performance, and physique development will take the most interest in Dr. Serrano’s special band manipulations during the set.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Play for the Song and Coach for the Athlete

Drummer sensation Brandon Khoo gives insight into what makes a great drummer. Strength and conditioning coaches, listen up. His answer is genius.

from Elite FTS

The 10 Fat Loss Commandments

These guidelines can be used by anyone looking to melt off body fat.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

11 Athletics Training Facility Spotlight -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: 11athletics ⎯ Athletic Performance Facility

If you reside in Central Ohio or are just visiting, make 11athletics the place to be for your fitness needs and wants.

from Elite FTS

The Power of the Parable

The parable is one of the oldest tools to teach. If it worked for Aesop and it worked for the ancient Greeks, it will work for your athletes.

from Elite FTS

Monday, December 5, 2016

Evolution of a Collegiate Warm-Up

Over the last five semesters, we've made a lot of adjustments to how we warm-up our athletes. Here are the most important changes.

from Elite FTS

Bodybuilding Exercises for Powerlifters: The Vacuum and Reverse Hyperextension

This article series describes how you can incorporate bodybuilding exercises into your powerlifting training for big benefits in strength and aesthetics.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Power

In part one of this series, I discussed a brief overview of maximum strength training for team sport athletes. In this section, I will provide a case in support of training for power development.

from Elite FTS

How to Know If You Are Ready for Your First Powerlifting Meet

I thought about competing in powerlifting for nearly a year before actually signing up for a meet. Then I learned that I wasn’t going to figure out what I needed to do to improve as a lifter if I didn't test my abilities and face my failures.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Motivational Rant at UGSS

You will meet people who change your life forever. I've found most of mine within the four steel walls we call a gym.

from Elite FTS

Strength Chat Podcast: Seattle Seahawks Patrick Ward on Using Data

As strength training and sports are becoming more data-driven, hear from one of the best Sports Science Analysts on the topic.

from Elite FTS

Friday, December 2, 2016

Dave Tate Motivational Rant at John Meadows UGSS -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: True Age vs Training Age

There are rules about training age that apply whether you're 15 or 50.

from Elite FTS

True Age VS Training Age -

from Dave Tate

Another Setback, Another Challenge...Another Path to PRs

We experience breaks, tears, sprains, joint replacements, and other sundry surgeries. We could stop, but we don't. We overcome, persevere, and come back stronger.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How to Bench 5 Plates Raw: 400 to 500 at a Moderate and Sustained Pace

In this article, we are going to discuss the training of the bench press for someone approaching a press 1.8-2x their bodyweight.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Exercise and Mental Health — Understanding Comprehensive Stress Response

The presentation is an introductory overview covering items ranging from the importance of mental health to the stress response and how to design exercise programs to accommodate it.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

5 Gifts for the Guy or Girl Who's Getting into Powerlifting

‘Tis the season for winter bulking, New Year’s resolutions, long lines at the squat racks, and a bunch of gym bros begging to work in on your bench sets.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Mental Preparation Tips for Powerlifting

To be your best on the platform, you need your mind to be just as prepared as your body.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

5 Ways You’re Screwing Up Speed Work

Commit too many of the mistakes I’m about to present to you and your training will result in zero results. You certainly wont be getting the desired effect of optimizing force development.

from Elite FTS

Ocalicon 2016 — Nation’s Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference

With the option to pick and choose over 40 presentations to attend within a 10-hour day, here's how I plan on implementing what I learned within the private and college setting.

from Elite FTS

Monday, November 28, 2016

What I Think I Know About Muscle Growth

I am not an in-the-lab scientist; per my own training practice, I care about what I can apply, not what I can argue about.

from Elite FTS

S&C Meeting of the Minds — History, Athlete Development, and In-Season/Off-Season Goals

This article was conducted in collaboration with David Kitchen (Bloomsburg University), Matt Clapp (University of Indiana), Ryan Nosak (UNC Charlotte), and Parker Showers (University of Cincinnati).

from Elite FTS

Sunday, November 27, 2016

WATCH: Coach Kav Returns to the S4 Compound

Every topic they discuss leads to one crucial point: We're all here to make this industry a better place. What are you doing to make that happen?

from Elite FTS

The Art of the Carb

Here are three timing principles that I use with my clients and feel strongly will allow almost anyone to ingest carbs and get leaner.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, November 26, 2016

WATCH: Is Fasted Cardio the Best Cardio?

Does it really make a difference if you do your cardio before or after eating in the morning?

from Elite FTS

11 Set and Rep Schemes for Massive Reverse Hyper Back Pumps

You should be doing Reverse Hypers twice a week, year-round. Keep them fresh and challenging with these programming variations.

from Elite FTS

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dave Tate and Justin Harris Discuss Fasted Cardio -

from Dave Tate

John Meadows Open UGSS Presentation | Part 4 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: UGGS John Meadows Presentation — Building Calves

Now that we've covered the four phases of Mountain Dog Training, let's talk about a difficult—but very important—body part.

from Elite FTS

Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Personality: The Social Media Conundrum

I want to discuss what to look for when searching for accurate fitness and health resources, and even more importantly, what red flags to look out for.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Message From Dave Tate

Dreams I'll Never See. Thanksgiving Letter from Dave Tate, Founder Inc.

from Elite FTS

5-Time Maryland’s Strongest Man

Simple goals yield outstanding results.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Elitefts Black Friday Sale Has Begun!

Massive savings on 1000's of items!

from Elite FTS

Trust the Process — Perfection

Turn into the head coach of the weight room. Come up with a plan to cover everything down to the finest detail.

from Elite FTS

What Are You Thankful For?

I asked the team this question but it didn’t stop there — that would be too easy.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Finding Strength: Reflexive Performance Reset

Being able to seek new ways to perform at your best is just as important as finding the best gym, and this is why I think it’s so important to share RPR with everyone.

from Elite FTS

Increased Intra-Play Demands of Modern Gridiron Football

Up-tempo play calling has changed the pace of gridiron football, and with it, the energetic demands placed on athletes.

from Elite FTS

Monday, November 21, 2016

Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Strength

We have come to a fork in the road with sports performance training. Is strength training making your athletes stronger or just slower?

from Elite FTS

Power Teams: Kick-Ass Home Training Gyms

This is sweat. This is heavy, hardcore training, fueled by chalk dust and ammonia. Welcome to Outlaw Powerlifting, Boomer's Iron Grounds, and The Wharehouse.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Family-Owned Business Lessons from Garden Fresh Foods

With nearly 17 years of business ownership under my belt, I’m willing to admit I don’t possess all the answers. However, Garden Fresh Foods continues to thrive.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Justin Harris Shoulder Training

You can train shoulders in a lot of ways, from a lot of different angles. Including the full workout, one of bodybuilding's brightest minds shows how to do it best.

from Elite FTS

Friday, November 18, 2016

Ten Items for the Retired Powerlifter Who Can't Tie His Shoelaces

The world without weights is just not worth living in. Everything on this list will help keep you training hard when your body starts fighting back.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Box Squat Carryover and How to Work with A Nutrition Coach

Getting better at a box squat and making the most of your diet may sound like they have nothing in common. They do.

from Elite FTS

Dave Tate and Justin Harris Discuss The Box Squat and Coaching Issues -

from Dave Tate

Justin Harris Trains Shoulders -

from Dave Tate

4 Recipes to Get Your Pump(kin) On!

Join us as we FALL back in love with these pumpkin-filled recipes created by Holly Joy McCabe, Hannah Johnson-Hill, Alycia Israel, and Yessica Martinez.

from Elite FTS

3 Business Lessons from My First 5 Years of Gym-Ownership

The first month we opened we had around 30 members, two trainers, and I worked 80+ hours a week.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, November 17, 2016

BIGHORN — Spud Straps and Sledgehammers

I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn’t hit the Bighorn with the sledgehammer without tearing Jon’s ribs apart.

from Elite FTS

In the End There Can Be Only One — My First Highlander Challenge

This past weekend I made the trip down to Brute Strength Gym in Norfolk, VA to compete in my first Highlander competition.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Four Year College Strength Program: An Alternative Management Perspective

Using a quadrant management system popularized in the business world, this article examines an alternative method of progressing athletes through four years of collegiate sports.

from Elite FTS

5 Things That Helped Larry Williams Break an All-Time World Record

Even though it had only been eight weeks since his previous meet, I gave this advice to Larry before SPF Record Breakers and it made all the difference.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

John Meadows Open UGSS Presentation | Part 3 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: UGSS John Meadows Presentation — Phase 4 and Designing the Program

In the third part of his presentation, John goes into great detail about the layout of a training program and how to manipulate frequency to bring up weak body parts.

from Elite FTS

Impostor Syndrome — Identifying the Less Admirable

Training was so important to me. It covered my insecurity and kept me distracted from the ugliness that was brewing underneath.

from Elite FTS

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Shoulder Day From Hell

A shoulder day that will leave you never wanting to move your arms again.

from Elite FTS

5 Leadership Mistakes In Personal Training

Having recently read Michael Speidel's “5 Lessons from 13 Years in Leadership”, I reframed it to personal training.

from Elite FTS

What Is A Competitive Lifter?

There are a lot of things to argue about in powerlifting, but you can't argue about integrity, you can't argue about desire, and you can't argue about dedication. You need these things no matter what.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Home and the Home Gym — The Roots

This is the dimension occupied by nursing babies with their mothers, lovers having intimate sex, and friends and family hugging. The relationship between lifter and bar is that intimate.

from Elite FTS

Stimulate Don’t Annihilate

After all these years and cycles through training trends, it turns out that Lee Haney might have been right all along.

from Elite FTS

Friday, November 11, 2016

WATCH: Is GPP Actually Important?

You hear a lot about GPP and aerobic capacity, but does it actually make a difference for a powerlifter or a bodybuilder? Dave and Justin weigh in.

from Elite FTS

My First Visit to elitefts — UGSS with John Meadows

Some people may have thought my trip from Florida to Ohio for a weekend of lifting was silly, but this is passion. This is what unifies us.

from Elite FTS

The Importance of GPP for Athletes -

from Dave Tate

Brandon Smitley's 1377-pound Total at 2016 WPC World Championships

I walked away with a two-pound squat PR and breaking my all-time world record, a fraction of a pound PR on bench, and a 12 pound PR total. Soon enough, 1400 will be mine.

from Elite FTS

Let Go

Or be dragged.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Where Is Your Focus?

To get your strongest in the fastest way possible, you need to focus on training as a whole. Every aspect needs attention and focus.

from Elite FTS

Joe Sullivan's 2000-pound Total at SPF Reebok Record Breakers

My training cycle was stellar, and I had not missed a rep in training in months. Despite that, the nerves were still there. If I wasn’t scared traveling to this meet, I wouldn’t be human.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

WATCH: UGSS John Meadows Presentation — Phases 2 and 3

After completing Phase 1 (Pre-Pump Activation), Mountain Dog Training moves to Phase 2 (Train Explosively) and Phase 3 (Supramax Pump).

from Elite FTS

Bodyweight Training for Athletes

This is a vital component that builds stability, mobility, strength, muscle, body control, and even power. Don't neglect it!

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

John Meadows Open UGSS Presentation | Part 2 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: I'm Sick! Should I Train?

After missing Strongman Sunday, Clint had a serious question to answer: when would it be safe to train again?

from Elite FTS

Why My Home Gym Is Better Than the S4 Compound

My home gym has been one of the best investments I have ever made. Let me explain how I got here.

from Elite FTS

Monday, November 7, 2016

How SWIS 2016 Blew My Mind

People will be talking about the 2016 SWIS for a long time to come as one of the best symposiums ever.

from Elite FTS

Anterior Pelvic Tilt -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Bringing It All Together

This is my favorite part of the whole series — you get to see how all of this comes together and how it can help YOU as a lifter.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fighting the Thanksgiving Fluff

Holiday eating can be fun, but it can also sidetrack your diet, eat into your training time, and leave you feeling like that butterball on the Thanksgiving dinner table — unless you plan correctly.

from Elite FTS

How to Bench 5 Plates Raw: 0 to 400 Real Quick

I want to show through this two-part article series how you can manipulate training variables over time to help you realize your lifetime training goals.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, November 5, 2016

WATCH: Sources of Pre-Workout Energy with Justin Harris

Are all sources of pre-workout energy created equal? In this video, Dave and Justin discuss the best way to find motivation in the gym.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: How I Made It Easy to Rep A 1000-pound Deadlift

It may surprise you how great I felt, but if you actually take a look at my training leading into the event, you will understand why.

from Elite FTS

Friday, November 4, 2016

Is Your Pre-Workout Hurting Your Actual Workout? -

from Dave Tate

Three Quarters of a Century and Still Getting Strong(er)

How long will getting stronger continue? At what point, or age, or condition does deterioration begin? Am I racing a clock? Is my time on the platform limited?

from Elite FTS

Senator, You're No Jack Kennedy — Don't Drop the Deadlift

One of the most impactful statements in debate history can teach you a thing or two about deadlifting.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, November 3, 2016

3 Ways to Know You're Getting Stronger Without Taking a Max

The key is to find ways to consistently track strength increases throughout the training cycle, so that the ebb and flow of peak strength doesn’t negatively affect the overall picture of your training.

from Elite FTS

Our UGSS Experience with John Meadows

As gym owners, we've followed elitefts for a long time, but this was our first chance to train at the compound and meet members of the team. It solidified every reason we love this company.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What Do I Have to Work With?

This is the first question you should ask yourself when training a team. To get this point across, I've attached my entire fall football training program.

from Elite FTS

A Letter to the Boss

If I were to write a note that would be applicable and truly helpful for leaders of all kinds, what would it say?

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

WATCH: John Meadows UGSS Presentation — Principles and Phase I

In this first video in the series, John discusses how Phase I of the Mountain Dog Training Program utilities a variety of hypertrophy principles to help you grow while avoiding injury.

from Elite FTS

John Meadows Open UGSS Presentation | Part 1 -

from Dave Tate

Athletic Responsibilities in a Competitive Environment

It is of great importance for all involved in sport participation, especially athletes, to understand what is exactly being asked of them when they make the choice to compete.

from Elite FTS

Monday, October 31, 2016

15 Tips for Getting JACKED...Over A Long Period of Time

Some lessons are learned only through experience and accepting reality. If I could tell my 15-year-old self anything about training, it would be this.

from Elite FTS

Dave Tate Answers Halloween Questions | Part 3 -

from Dave Tate

Frankenstein's Perfect Powerlifter

Once I caught wind of Dr. Frank's new project, I knew I wanted to learn more. This is the story of my visit to his lab and home gym.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, October 30, 2016

My Wife and God Cause All of My Stress

While I was recently wallowing in my own self-pity, I had an idea: what else could possibly go wrong?

from Elite FTS

How to Wreck Your Training with Pre-workout Supplements

Highly caffeinated pre-workout supplements are robbing people of their strength potential. You read that right.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Mountain Dog Diet—A Healthier Way to Get Lean/Add Muscle...or Both!

The theme here is health and making better choices regardless of whether you're trying to gain muscle or lose fat.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Auto-Regulation vs Percentage-Based Programming for the Off-Season

You can be certain that every great lifter you admire has mastered auto-regulation. If you want to be great, you'll need to do the same.

from Elite FTS

Auto-Regulation VS Percentage-Based Programming For the Off-season -

from Dave Tate

Dave Tate Answers Training Questions From Facebook Live -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Scary Exercises and More Halloween Questions with Dave

There's only one thing you should truly fear this Halloween: not getting stronger.

from Elite FTS

Support Sport Science Through Crowd Funding

Through your support we can answer how muscle myonuclei control growth and recovery in fast vs. slow-twitch fibers. Back this project today.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dave Tate Teaches The Box Squat (2000 Throwback) -

from Dave Tate

Do Not Limit Yourself With Comparisons

Mental strength is a complex monster. You may think you're motivating yourself by trying to beat other lifters, but you're actually holding yourself back.

from Elite FTS

A New Kid Under the Bar

Erasing the zoo schedule from the dry-erase board that served us for a 14-week prep was unsettling. Where our training has gone, is miraculous.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Win the War — Day-to-Day Battles of Strength and Conditioning

This is not a list of excuses, but the reality of what really goes on, no matter what level or program you are at.

from Elite FTS

Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Diet and Training Gone Right

For reverse dieting and training there are several components that play the biggest role in an athlete’s success.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dave Tate Answers Halloween Questions | Part 2 -

from Dave Tate

Our Evolving Understanding of Hypertrophy — Comparing New and Old Theories

Science is in a state of constant development. This article examines several recent studies that provide new theories on hypertrophy.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Finding Strength — The Anvil Gym

This Strongman's paradise in Cedar Rapids, Iowa has the people, the equipment, and the expertise you need to get stronger.

from Elite FTS

Monday, October 24, 2016

What Type of Powerlifter Are You?

I polled our team members to get an idea of why some of the best lifters in the world compete raw or in gear. Here are their answers.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Shifting the Pelvis Back to Neutral

We've worked on several components separately but this exercise brings them together: first getting into the left hip, then finding neutral, and then breathing and bracing while in this proper position.

from Elite FTS

Shifting the Pelvis Back to Neutral | Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix -

from Dave Tate

Sunday, October 23, 2016

What Is the SLAB?

This exercise will challenge strength and stability in all three planes of motion with various subconscious lessons.

from Elite FTS

2016 Olympia 212 Showdown Report

In four months, I tasted the emotional joy of winning and then the character-shaping process of dealing with missed expectations.

from Elite FTS

Friday, October 21, 2016

WATCH: Table Talk — Lessons from Training with John Meadows

What happens when an expert in powerlifting and an expert in bodybuilding train together for five years?

from Elite FTS

The SWIS Symposium — Everything That's Right with the Fitness Industry

I could write a book on everything I learned from the 30-plus pages of notes I took from the weekend. Instead, I’m going to give you the Cliffs Notes version.

from Elite FTS

Dave Tate on What He's Learned From Training With John Meadows -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: What Are Your Halloween Questions for Dave?

Dave covers training and weight gain principles through Freddy Krueger, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Hershey's Bars.

from Elite FTS

Dave Tate Answers Halloween Questions | Part 1 -

from Dave Tate

The Real Reasons You’re Not Making Progress

You can come up with a lot of excuses to explain your plateaus or you can follow this advice and find a solution.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Glute Retraining - Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Glute Retraining

We pulled him into his left hip in the previous exercise, while this correction is designed to help drive him “off” his right hip.

from Elite FTS

BIGHORN — The Mace and the Jedi

Watching the hydraulic door slowly lower itself closed had felt like an eternity. We wouldn’t last long if a couple of those things followed us inside.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Extending The 30's Method for Strength and Size

This method has shown effectiveness in hypertrophy training, so I've decided to try something new: what will happen if we take this method and alter it to cover two extremes of the training continuum?

from Elite FTS

Five Lessons to Learn from 2016 USAPL Nationals

Everyone will remember this meet as the day Ray Williams squatted 1005 pounds raw (yes, really raw). Here are five more lessons to take with you.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Training for Movement — 4 Easy Program Fixes

Having mobility issues? While direct work in the traditional sense will certainly help, so will continuing to train, if you plan correctly.

from Elite FTS

Improved Back Recruitment for a Bigger V-Taper

My program design was technically sound and my lifting technique was good, but my back still wasn't improving. This is when I turned to the study of anatomy and biomechanics.

from Elite FTS

Monday, October 17, 2016

Dave Tate Squats Until He Pukes Part 2 -

from Dave Tate

The 10 Principles of Being Personal with Personal Training

Personal training is a field that allows for creativity in how you do things with exercise, but at its core, it is still working with people. You need them to like you.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Why You Should Use Calibrated Plates

If you're training for a new world or personal record, every pound matters.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, October 15, 2016

WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Creating an Anchor Point

The purpose of this exercise is to help you get into your left hip and improve how well the socket receives the ball.

from Elite FTS

I Might Be an Asshole But I'm Not Arrogant

Apparently when you become a self-proclaimed expert in training and nutrition, you also know everything about politics, social issues, and life. Have we always been this arrogant?

from Elite FTS

Friday, October 14, 2016

How I Trained When I Was at My Best

There are two categories for max effort exercises: strength builders and strength testers. Every lifter has their own. Once I found mine, I built an 1160 squat and an 850 deadlift.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Table Talk — Should Elite Totals Be Updated?

Does being an elite powerlifter mean something different today than it did 10, 15, or 20 years ago?

from Elite FTS

Jim Wendler UGSS Presentation Part 4 -

from Dave Tate

Creating an Anchor Point - Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix -

from Dave Tate

Should Elite Totals Be Updated? -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Exercise Selection and Attempting PR's

You want your athletes to get stronger but not in a smokescreen fashion. You have to be strategic about how and when to attempt PRs.

from Elite FTS

How to Wrap and Why — A Guide to Wrist and Knee Wraps

If you show up on day one of your wrapped training and start off in the strongest wraps on the market, things are probably not going to go as well as they could.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, October 13, 2016

4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Joints

It's easy to avoid degenerative downfall and instead promote longevity in your joints — but only if you know how.

from Elite FTS

You're Probably Not Overtraining

Thinking that overtraining cannot happen is wrong. Immediately jumping to the conclusion that you need to back off or deload is also wrong.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — The 90-90 Hip Lift

It took Casey a month just to get everything into position for this exercise. When you try it, you're going to be tempted to engage every muscle you have. Don't.

from Elite FTS

Training for Police Officers: The Necessities Every Cop Needs in their Program

For most people who step into a gym, your training isn't a matter of life and death. For police officers, it is.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

90-90 Hip Lift - Physical Therapy For Powerlifters -

from Dave Tate

The Deconstruction of a SHW Powerlifter

I have two options: keep going in the same direction and die, or make changes to my life and start dropping weight.

from Elite FTS

The Only Thing You Can Control

There's a very short list of things you can control and a very long list of things you can't control. Choose to focus on the right one.

from Elite FTS

Monday, October 10, 2016

WPC World Championships — My 12-Week Meet Prep for a 1000-Pound Squat

I won my division at the 2014 WPC Worlds. I'm hoping to repeat this year, but there's also another goal I'm focused on.

from Elite FTS

Energy Balance: How Your Body Fights Weight Loss

Let’s tackle some of the issues contributing to failed attempts at creating a negative energy balance.

from Elite FTS

The Evaluation of a Strength and Conditioning Coach: A Process-Based Profession in an Outcome-Based System

Why do strength coaches quit and the people that hired them don't care? Before exploring some possible answers, let's look at the problem.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Energy Balance: How Your Body Fights Weight Loss

Let’s tackle some of the issues contributing to failed attempts at creating a negative energy balance.

from Elite FTS

Staying Motivated With No Chance of Winning the 2016 USAPL Raw Nationals Championship

We often find ourselves swimming in a sea of excellence, chasing the purple dragon of someone else’s achievements. That's not how to become a champion.

from Elite FTS

Breathing IS NOT Bracing

A hot water balloon and a balloon for a child's party can both be filled with air, but that doesn't make them equally strong or stable. This is how you need to think of your training.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Table Talk — Bench Press Bar Path

Should you press in a straight line or in an arc, finishing with the bar over your face?

from Elite FTS

Friday, October 7, 2016

Bench Press Bar Path -

from Dave Tate

Jim Wendler UGSS Presentation Part 3 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth Athletes

The first step to having a good program is following a training outline that balances every need of the athlete.

from Elite FTS

20 Pro Strongman Tips for the Strength Athlete

Prepping to become a pro-card carrying competitor? These tips from professional strongwoman Kristin Johnson will help you reach your strength and power goals.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, October 6, 2016

WATCH: Simple and Effective Training for the Recreational Athlete

This presentation is directed towards the recreational athlete with the goal being to provide simple and effective tools to improve performance, reduce injury, and improve general levels of fitness.

from Elite FTS

Building the Raw Bench Press

We first need to look at the specific needs of a raw bencher — once we know what body parts need brought up, we can then create a program that strategically utilizes the most beneficial exercises.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Absurd Effectiveness of Simplicity

Young strength coaches, go back to the basics to improve your athletes' performance.

from Elite FTS

5 Lessons from 13 Years in Leadership

When I began this career, I was 26 years old. I've learned a lot since then. These are some of my most valuable lessons.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete — Adapting Evaluations into Training Practice

Evaluating your training protocol is only the first step. The real differences are made by enacting them into the practicals of training.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Physical Therapy — Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Dani Overcash

The last two years have been the most uncomfortable but also the most rewarding of my life. Part of this process was putting aside my ego to address some physical dysfunctions that were holding me back.

from Elite FTS

Monday, October 3, 2016

Identifying and Resolving Hip Issues While Squatting -

from Dave Tate

Manipulating Acute Variables in Training— A Guide to Building Lean Muscle Mass Using Variation

If you're training under a Conjugate System, variation is your key to success. Let's talk about the two acute variables that you should use to your advantage: exercise variation and equipment selection.

from Elite FTS

7 Daily Rituals for Success

Three years ago I wrote about habits of trying to be successful. Since then, these practices have evolved into something better: rituals.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, October 2, 2016

How to Run a Great Strongman Contest: The Final Days Before Competition

If you followed my advice from the first article and prepared for the events, there are just a few more things you need to do before kicking off the competition.

from Elite FTS

6 Things I Learned About S&C When I Moved from College to High School

After 15 years at the collegiate level, I didn't think I had anything to learn from high school. I was wrong.

from Elite FTS

Friday, September 30, 2016

WATCH: Table Talk — The Widowmaker Squat Challenge

A high-rep squat set is a MFer challenge, there's no doubt about it.

from Elite FTS

Four Traps to Avoid When Starting Conjugate Training

Using the Conjugate Method has been one of the most rewarding and fun things I've ever done, but it requires ownership and a tenacity to keep looking for answers. Here are four things to avoid as you begin your quest.

from Elite FTS

Widow-Maker Squat Sets -

from Dave Tate

Jim Wendler UGSS Presentation Part 2 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Wendler's UGGS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury Management for Kids

In this video, the second part of his presentation, Jim goes into detail about both the mental and physical aspects of training kids.

from Elite FTS

The Aging Rebels: An Exercise in Rehab and Friendship

Being stalked by the orthopedic reaper (not to mention the internal reaper) has been a challenge for Jack and I, but we have found ways to overcome every obstacle.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Short Science Behind Titanium Knick-Knacks

These are everything.

from Elite FTS

Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Off-Site Team Training

As we relocate a group of connected individuals outside of the gym, the mindset attached to training evolves.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Deadlift Training for the Strongman

For strongmen, the deadlift is many times just a a tool, not a factor itself. Your routine should reflect this.

from Elite FTS

Deadlift Training for the Strongman

For strongmen, the deadlift is many times just a a tool, not a factor itself. Your routine should reflect this.

from Elite FTS

Building the Bench, Piece by Piece

This article gives you the 12 best exercises to build mass in the necessary areas for a stronger bench press. Body-part by body-part, exercise by exercise, it's all here.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Finding Strength: Strength Haven

This top-notch facility in Elkhart, Indiana has earned its reputation through their development of athletes and the social causes they support in their community.

from Elite FTS

Fatigue vs Fatigue Compensation: Functional Abdominal Training

Instead of relying on outdated and sub-optimal methods, choose a more functional approach in combination with PRI to optimize ribcage position and abdominal strength.

from Elite FTS

Monday, September 26, 2016

Powerlifting: 25% Training, 75% Pre-Hab, Rehab, and Injury Prevention

If you think you'll make it in this sport by pushing through your workouts even when you're injured or suffering, you're wrong.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses

If you or your clients are failing to properly load your glutes and hamstrings during a competition squat, this video will show you how.

from Elite FTS

Box Squat Tutorial -

from Dave Tate

Sunday, September 25, 2016

How To Price Personal Training

Unsure where to set prices for 1:1 or small group training? Here's an in-depth look at the industry's current rates and how to best incentivize your trainers while bringing more clients—and money—to your gym.

from Elite FTS

How to Run a Great Strongman Contest: 6 Steps to a Better Competition

Our show is one of the longest-running shows in America and is a highly-organized, efficient, and well-run event that athletes look forward to. But it wasn't always like that — we started poorly and disorganized. Here's how we fixed it.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Who’s the Greatest?

It’s more than athletic prowess or shredded muscularity that flows with beautiful symmetry and balance.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Table Talk — The Current State of the Fitness Industry

What do you think of the fitness community today and all the shitty gurus on social media?

from Elite FTS

Friday, September 23, 2016

Dave Tate's Thoughts on Fitness Gurus -

from Dave Tate

Jim Wendler UGSS Presentation Part 1 -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training Philosophy, and Industry Trends

This video is Jim's full 20-minute introduction to his UGSS presentation.

from Elite FTS

Strongman Corporation’s Masters Nationals — America’s Strongest Master

This competition was a celebration of three crazy strongwomen who have competed in this sport for over twelve years.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, September 22, 2016

WATCH: Mickey Belaineh — Harvard Law Graduate and World Record Powerlifter

With bar exams complete and results pending, Mickey's focus on powerlifting continues to evolve.

from Elite FTS

Harvard Law Graduate/World Record Powerlifter Mickey Belaineh -

from Dave Tate

2016 RPS Memphis Classic Meet Report

This meet was about a few monster numbers that have been weighing down on me. All of the lessons from my elitefts teammates are starting to pay off.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, Kevin Jabroni?

The 2016 Mr. Olympia ended up being more about Kevin Levrone than Phil Heath. Was it empty hype?

from Elite FTS

The Complete 2016 Off-Season Rugby Training Manual

I'm sharing with you the actual manual that I gave my professional athletes prior to departing for their one-month break. This covers all the athletes' needs for staying in shape for the rigors of pre-season training.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Are You and Your PT Compatible?

Beyond skill-set, a physical therapist's personal belief system, communication style, vision, and philosophy are just a few things you should consider when searching for the perfect match.

from Elite FTS

Real People, Real Results — 8 Lessons in Training, Nutrition, and Business

I’ve spent the better part of these last two years working with hundreds of new clients and continuing to meet and learn from seasoned coaches.

from Elite FTS

Monday, September 19, 2016

Personal Training VS Online Coaching -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: Personal Training vs. Online Coaching

Not all clients are serious strength athletes and not every coach prefers to work in-person. In this video Christian explains several key differences and shares his opinion on working with general population.

from Elite FTS

Behind the Eyes of An Athlete: The Inner Me, The Enemy

Behind every win is a backstory. What happens when your "inner me" becomes your enemy?

from Elite FTS

Sunday, September 18, 2016

You’re Not Hot, You’re Just Old

Feeling young and looking young are two entirely separate things.

from Elite FTS

Reasons Why You're Weak — Inefficient Technique, Outcome-Focused, Micro-Managing, Online, and Over-Thinking

Without question, the number one reason most lifters don’t lift the weights that they are able to is...

from Elite FTS

Friday, September 16, 2016

Close-Grip Bench, Dips, and Chins — When and Why I Don't Program

Let’s get into how you can adjust your form, what to pay attention to, and how you can get the greatest gains from these three exercises without beating up your body.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Use Competition Lifts for Max Effort Work?

If you feel you need more work on the competition movements, can you use them as max effort work instead of doing specialty exercises?

from Elite FTS

Can You Use Competition Lifts For Max Effort Work? -

from Dave Tate

WATCH: The Story Behind the Logo — TRAIN

The TRAIN logo emphasizes what we stand for. It's what we do.

from Elite FTS

Train or Remain The Same -

from Dave Tate

5 Tips to Break an All-Time World Record

I am going to share with you some tips and tricks on how Larry Williams was put in a position where he could be the best in the world in his weight class and division.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Christian Anto and NBS Lifters Memphis Classic Meet Prep - elitefts com

from Dave Tate

Why Fitness Articles Suck — Confessions of a Content Mill Author

If you’ve been in the fitness industry for a couple of decades like I have, you may be wondering what the hell happened. Fitness articles weren’t this bad when we were starting out, were they?

from Elite FTS

Guest Judging Boss of Bosses 3

Watching a lifter going for a lift he knows he has to make to move into first place... Watching a lifter going for a record that has stood for 15 or 20 years...

from Elite FTS

A Twist On Seated Rows Using the American Multi Grip Attachment

If I asked what your top five back exercises would be, I can confidently say that one of them would more than likely be rows. Personally, seated rows are one of my favorite exercises because you can hit multiple different muscle groups in one single exercise including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, rear deltoids, biceps, trapezius, etc. This is wonderful, but sometimes seated rows feel so boring.

EliteFTS team member and IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale provides a little variation to the standard seated row:

Dugdale is using the EliteFTS American Multi Grip Attachment. He starts with the outer-most grip and does 7 reps then moves in to the next grip and so on, completing 7 reps each time.

This is an intense grip variation in an extended set that not only allows for some variety to seated rows, but also allows you to hit the different muscle groups harder than ever before.  From the product page:

"Employing 4 different grip styles, the American Multi Grip Attachment is excellent for neutral rowing movements as well as close grip! Just as in our American Press Bar, you'll find that the outer-most handles are thinner than the inner-most handles.  This will provide differing muscle stimulus from your average row attachment."


from Elite FTS

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

WATCH: Jim Wendler Speaks at Open Underground Strength Session

As elitefts team members, we’ve seen the impact that this community and time training together has had on our lives and lifting careers — we're bringing more people into that fold.

from Elite FTS

Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?

At the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is food, shelter, and safety. If your athlete doesn't have one of these three things, how can you expect them to perform at their best?

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Jim Wendler Speaks at Open Underground Strength Session

As elitefts team members, we’ve seen the impact that this community and time training together has had on our lives and lifting careers — we're bringing more people into that fold.

from Elite FTS

Becoming You

Your time, your life, and the way it is meant to be lived.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jim Wendler Speaks at Open UGSS -

from Dave Tate

Finding Strength: The Strength Depot

The owners of this Livonia, Michigan facility have made a commitment to bettering the world of strength sports, providing a home to many lifters and raising money for Relentless Detroit.

from Elite FTS

Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?

At the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is food, shelter, and safety. If your athlete doesn't have one of these three things, how can you expect them to perform at their best?

from Elite FTS

Monday, September 12, 2016

Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important

There are a lot of things we work on with fixing lifters' squats, let's start here.

from Elite FTS

Mitigating ADHD in Athletics

To improve the lives of those with ADHD and those interacting with these individuals, we must better educate the teachers, coaches, and mentors.

from Elite FTS

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Dr. Squat: Fred Hatfield’s Journey Through the 1000-Pound Barrier

When Dr. Squat decided he wanted to squat over 1,000 pounds, he performed several statistical computations to figure out exactly how he would be able to get there.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters

What began as a heavy squat session in the S4 Compound became an impromptu coaching session with Dave. Here are the five things he told these lifters to fix.

from Elite FTS

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Stop the Madness! #SMEP Single Minute Exercise Prep

You don't need 45 minutes of mobility work for a 30-minute work out. Here are some general guidelines and an approach to effectively employing preventative and corrective work.

from Elite FTS

Friday, September 9, 2016

WATCH: Off Topic — Should You Periodize Your Conditioning?

In building your aerobic base, is it enough to simply add Prowler pushes, hill sprints, and sled drags to your program? Dave and Jim explain the purpose behind GPP.

from Elite FTS

Should You Periodize Your Conditioning? -

from Dave Tate

Dave Tate Gives Squat Tips -

from Dave Tate

The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting

Without that experience in their back pocket, they simply get eaten up and spit out by the industry.

from Elite FTS

How to Get Stronger in a Crowded Gym (With 8-Week Program)

You don't need a unique piece of equipment for each muscle group or a 25-item list of accessory exercises. This program uses nothing but gym essentials to get you stronger without ever having to leave the squat rack.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beginners and the Accountability Weakness

Early in your powerlifting journey, this is the only weak point you need to concern yourself with.

from Elite FTS

Programming 201: The Realistic Strength Program

You can have the holy grail of training programs, but if it doesn't fit your job, it isn't any good.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Identifying Why — 4 Steps to Perfecting Your Program Philosophy

Here are a few steps I have used over the years that have helped me, my staff, and our athletes be on the same page in understanding our purpose.

from Elite FTS

Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Diet and Training Gone Wrong

In this second part of the series I am going to discuss the top-three nutrition and training mistakes I see when competitors reverse out of a show, how they may affect long-term progress, and what to do if you make them.

from Elite FTS

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Novel Stimulus or Stupid Human Trick?

Cutting through the clutter of fitness information out there, here's a checklist to help you to figure out what works (and what doesn’t) for your training and the training advice you offer others.

from Elite FTS

The Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete — When the Barbell Is Taken for Granted

I was warned of not taking it for granted and it burned me at the one competition I had my sights on for months.

from Elite FTS

Monday, September 5, 2016

Is There Really A Difference Between Raw and Geared Lifting?

No matter which of the many training programs out there you choose to use, or whether you train raw or equipped, one thing will always remain the same.

from Elite FTS

Mobility Versus Flexibility

Is mobility even a real thing, or a substitution for people that don’t actually train, compete, or play in an actual defined activity?

from Elite FTS

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Why Bodybuilders Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Vacations

I get asked a lot about what to do about workouts, diet, etc., while on vacation. My response?

from Elite FTS

Whoa, Hamstrings

Here are six different exercises to kill your underdeveloped hamstrings — high reps, low reps, extended time, heavy weights, and GPP cover everything you need to make them bigger and stronger.

from Elite FTS

Friday, September 2, 2016

WATCH: Table Talk — Flaws of Percentage-Based Programming and Training

In this video, Maliek and Dave discuss the problems with percentage-based training and share alternative methods for strength programming.

from Elite FTS

Why Do You Lift — The Game

Is winning all that matters or is participation the purpose of competition? This is the final article in this series.

from Elite FTS

Percentage Based Programming -

from Dave Tate

Setting an Atmosphere for Success

Changing the culture or environment of your team is not easy but it may be the single-most important factor for your success. Here are three things to get you started.

from Elite FTS

Just Breathe

Every lifter should learn to "fill low" and generate pressure in the proper area of their lower abdomen.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Strongman Training

He critiques each of the following movements: Weighted Car Deadlifts, Axle Press, Stone Over Bar, Yoke Carry/Sleg Drag, Triceptecon Press, SS Yoke Bar Box Squats, Car Deadlift, Press Medley, and Keg Carry.

from Elite FTS

Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Team Training at the Gym

In this type of training, we’re taking things one step further — we share the entire training experience with at least one partner at the gym.

from Elite FTS

Friday, August 26, 2016

Table Talk — Problems with Gear and the Qualities of Great Powerlifting Coaches

Joining Dave for another video, Maliek discusses the challenges faced by lifters who attempt to compete both raw and in gear.

from Elite FTS

The Five Factors of Being Stage Ready

After back-to-back-to-back wins, Mark Dugdale is sharing his methods for making sure he is stage ready on show day.

from Elite FTS

Problems with Gear and What Makes A Great Powerlifting Coach -

from Dave Tate

Dave Tate and Jim Wendler Discuss the Pros of Box Squatting -

from Dave Tate

Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting

Box squats have been around for years but the debate still hasn't been settled.

from Elite FTS

Boss of Bosses 3 — My First Meet Representing elitefts

Representing this team is so much more than a logo or a brand. I didn’t perform the way that I wanted to on the platform, but sleep deprived and emotionally distracted, I can say I still represented.

from Elite FTS

WATCH: How to Fight Friction in the Deadlift

Here is one tip I use in the gym and on the platform to make the entire movement smooth as possible.

from Elite FTS

Thursday, August 25, 2016

IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet

After three injuries in a half a year, I was pissed. I was depressed. I was dumbfounded. But I found my way back, hitting a PR total for my first single-ply meet.

from Elite FTS

Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat

In wrestling, as in every weight class sport, proper nutrition can save you from enduring grueling last-week weight cuts. This off-season plan reduces the need for the old-school dangerous approach.

from Elite FTS

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip

Three days before my heaviest deadlift of the meet training program and I couldn't even bend down to grab the bar. Here are the techniques I used to mitigate my issues and make it to Boss of Bosses 3.

from Elite FTS

Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor

During my first visit to the elitefts S4 Compound I was anxious, excited, and—yes—intimidated. These five things helped make my workout a great experience.

from Elite FTS